
Have you ever had a day where nothing seems to go as planned?  Where everything takes longer and you wish you could just have a do-over?

I had one of those days last week.  I had 2 do-overs (literally) because I had forgotten things at home and had to turn around and start all over.

But you know what?  BC (before cancer) that would have ruined my entire day.  It would have made me angry and grumpy and would have made me feel like there was a conspiracy against me.

I’m so grateful to report that AC (after cancer), I just laughed, and looked at it as: the universe is keeping me from some harm somewhere out there in the big bad world.

At the end of that day, it was actually one of the most productive and positive days I’ve had in a while.

So next time you feel like you’d like to have a do-over, just change your mind about it and see what happens. 🙂

About breastcancerat40

I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer at the age of 40. My hope with this blog is to share my experiences in order to help other women going through this.
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